Language is like a life form, but we don't think about it that way. Every day new words are being born, like a new species, and with them, entire new branches on the tree of life, or at least, the tree of knowledge.
This first article is long only because the part about controlling people's dreams is pretty cool:
Parasomnia: What happens inside a sleepwalker's brain?
May 2024,
Parasomnia - sleepwalking
Those who experience parasomnias during non-REM sleep sometimes report having dream-like experiences and sometimes appear completely unconscious (i.e., on automatic pilot).They provoke a parasomnia episode in the lab, where on the first night the patient sleeps normally, but on the second night is kept awake and only allowed to sleep the next morning, when they are exposed to a loud sound upon entering the deep-sleep stage. In some cases, this results in a parasomnia episode.In 56% of episodes, patients reported that they had been dreaming during the episode. "It was often about an impending misfortune or danger. Some reported that they thought the ceiling was going to come down. One patient thought they'd lost their baby and was searching through the bedsheets, and stood up in bed to try to save ladybugs from gliding down the wall and dying," Siclari explains."In 19% of the cases, the patients weren't experiencing anything and simply awoke to find themselves doing things, almost like a trance.""Interestingly, patients almost never mention the sound that initiated the parasomnia episode, but rather some other type of impending danger. The louder we go with the sound volume, the higher the chance that we provoke an episode."
via Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience: Jacinthe Cataldi et al, Shared EEG correlates between non-REM parasomnia experiences and dreams, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48337-7
Above image credit: We can see in the image above, that the robots don't know what a child is, or we don't have enough well-labelled samples in the noosphere aka the internet: AI Art - Child's Handwriting 1 - 2024
Astronomers discover at least one in a dozen stars show evidence of planetary ingestion
Mar 2024,
Planetary ingestion - when a star eats a planet.
via ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3D (ASTRO 3D) and Monash University: Fan Liu, At least one in a dozen stars exhibits evidence of planetary ingestion, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07091-y.
Study outlines spectroscopic signatures of fractionalization in octupolar quantum spin ice
Mar 2024,
π-flux octupolar quantum spin ice (π-O-QSI) - a new 3D quantum spin liquid that can host fractionalized excitations.
via University of Toronto: Félix Desrochers et al, Spectroscopic Signatures of Fractionalization in Octupolar Quantum Spin Ice, Physical Review Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.066502.
Red light therapy for repairing spinal cord injury passes milestone
May 2024,
Photobiomodulation - It's light therapy, delivered either by implantable device or transcutaneous delivery, where the light source is placed against the skin.
via University of Birmingham: Andrew R. Stevens et al, Implantable and transcutaneous photobiomodulation promote neuroregeneration and recovery of lost function after spinal cord injury, Bioengineering & Translational Medicine (2024). DOI: 10.1002/btm2.10674
Creating chimeroids by mixing stem cells from different donors to create multiple cell line organoids
Jun 2024,
Chimeroids - functional organoids with multiple cell lines; achieved by obtaining pluripotent stem cells from multiple individuals, then broken into multiple parts, mixed all together to allow the results to grow into a multi-cell-line organoid, which they call a chimeroid.
F*** right off.
via Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard: Noelia Antón-Bolaños et al, Brain Chimeroids reveal individual susceptibility to neurotoxic triggers, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07578-8
Also: Aparna Bhaduri, Chimeric brain organoids capture human genetic diversity, Nature (2024). DOI: 10.1038/d41586-024-01648-7
Picotaur—the unrivaled microrobot
Aug 2024,
Picotaur - a tiny robot
via Carnegie Mellon University Mechanical Engineering: Sukjun Kim et al, Picotaur: A 15 mg Hexapedal Robot with Electrostatically Driven, 3D‐Printed Legs, Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024). DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202400196
Two-way mathematical 'dictionary' could connect quantum physics with number theory
Sep 2024,
Big Als - "big algebras," a two-way mathematical 'dictionary' between symmetry, algebra, and geometry, that could strengthen the connection between the distant worlds of quantum physics and number theory.
via Institute of Science and Technology Austria: Tamás Hausel, Commutative avatars of representations of semisimple Lie groups, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2319341121
Quantum research breakthrough uses synthetic dimensions to efficiently process quantum information
Oct 2024,
Synthetic photonic networks - they can process quantum information based on the quantum walks of high-dimensional photons entangled in their temporal states.
via Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique at Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre: Monika Monika et al, Quantum state processing through controllable synthetic temporal photonic lattices, Nature Photonics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01546-4
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