Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Superluminal Observer

From the "rebel physicist" at University of Warsaw, and posted back in 2020, here's an attempt to explain what it's like to be the object that moves faster than light. 

Three time dimensions, one space dimension: Relativity of superluminal observers in 1+3 spacetime
Dec 2022,

The Superluminal World - Stretch your brain into this, the collapse of 3D space into 1D, or rather the flip from space to time dimensions.

I don't know why we had to wait for someone to say this, but why not? Why can't superluminal objects exist?

What happens when we assume—at least theoretically—that the world could be observable from superluminal frames of reference? There is a chance that this would allow the incorporation of the basic principles of quantum mechanics into the special theory of relativity. This revolutionary hypothesis of prof. Andrzej Dragan and prof. Artur Ekert from the University of Oxford presented for the first time in the article "Quantum principle of relativity" published two years ago in the New Journal of Physics. the latest conclusion is in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, titled "Relativity of superluminal observers in 1 + 3 spacetime", and is authored by a group of 5 physicists.

In their latest publication in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, titled "Relativity of superluminal observers in 1 + 3 spacetime", a group of 5 physicists goes a step further, presenting conclusions about the full four-dimensional spacetime.

via University of Warsaw and Center for Quantum Technologies of the National University of Singapore: Andrzej Dragan et al, Relativity of superluminal observers in 1+3 spacetime, Classical and Quantum Gravity (2022). DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/acad60

Image credit: Neutron star merger - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, CI Lab - 2022

Post Script:
Time-synchronization is hard:
Network-crashing leap seconds to be abandoned by 2035, for at least a century
Nov 2022, Ars Technica

International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM in its native French) just decided that Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, would run without a leap second until 2135. 

Leap seconds in 2012 and 2017 caused multi-hour outages at companies including Reddit, Qantas, and Cloudflare. Many companies implemented a version of "leap smearing" to smooth out a leap second addition into micro-seconds spread across the globe throughout a day.

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