Thursday, November 17, 2022

Art x Science

AI art is moving fast and breaking things (sorry Getty Images Holdings). But the part that really blows my mind is that it makes a perfect composition, every single time.

The picture above was trained on billions of images. Some of them -- but certainly not all of them -- are actual artwork or at least professional commercially-designed imagery, and yet, after digesting basically every image on the internet, this is what comes out. 

It's perfect: balance, contrast, rhythm, movement, emphasis, pattern, unity; the seven principles of design, they're all there. 

If you mix every paint color together, you get brown. If you took a program that learned how to drive by watching all the cars out on the road, the result would be a car accident. Yet, when we digest every picture on the internet, this is what comes out. The prompt was "complementary color scheme of insect eyes", but that doesn't really matter. You could literally write "shitty amateur artist garbage" and it would produce an image that would win a local art contest.

Anyway, here's some insight into what our eyes want: 

Color composition preferences in art paintings are determined by color statistics
Oct 2022,

Color composition preferences of 31,353 participants, for 1,200 paintings with artificially manipulated color compositions where the hue angle was rotated by 90, 180, and 270 degrees.

Participants always preferred the original. But not for the reasons expected -- the "matching-to-nature" hypothesis.

Instead, these statistical color properties predicted preference: 
  • asymmetric red–green distribution
  • correlation between lightness and blue–yellow distribution
  • correlation between red–green and blue–yellow 

It was revealed for the first time that color compositions found in paintings do not simply imitate natural scenes, but have their own unique features, which is linked to preferences of observers and the attractiveness of certain color schemes.

via Toyohashi University of Technology: Shigeki Nakauchi et al, Regularity of colour statistics in explaining colour composition preferences in art paintings, Scientific Reports (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18847-9

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