Monday, October 31, 2022

Panoptic Supremacy

EU to unveil landmark law to force Big Tech to police illegal content
Apr 2022, Financial Times via Ars Technica

Dark patterns - techniques that dupe people into unwillingly clicking:

"The controversial practice of targeting users online based on their religion, gender or sexual preferences will be banned under the Digital Services Act, according to four people with knowledge of the discussions."

Satellites will act as thermometers in the sky
Jul 2022, BBC News

Satellite Vu is attracting a lot of interest with its plans to fly a network of spacecraft to map heat signatures across the planet.

Such observations have long been made, but not at the resolution (3-4m) and frequency (several times a day) that the London firm is promising.

This will allow Satellite Vu to map the temperature profiles of individual buildings, offices and factories.

"With infrared, what you see in daytime, you can see at night. And whereas most other Earth observation data-sets are looking at the outside of buildings, we can even get an inference of what's going on inside - whether there's activity in that building, whether a house is occupied, whether there's productive machinery in a factory," said Anthony Baker, CEO and co-founder of Satellite Vu.

The data will also provide intelligence to the financial and insurance sectors - and even the military - by showing how temperatures in a scene have changed. It's possible, for example, to see that planes recently left an airfield from the cool "ghost images" they leave behind having earlier shadowed the ground from the Sun.

Inside Fog Data Science, the Secretive Company Selling Mass Surveillance to Local Police
Sep 2022, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Summarizing for context:
Finally, evidence suggests that Fog’s service relies on using advertising identifiers to link data together, so simply disabling your ad ID may stymie Fog’s attempts to track you. One email suggests that Apple’s App Tracking Transparency initiative — which made ad ID access opt-in and resulted in a drastic decrease in the number of devices sharing that information — made services like Fog less useful to law enforcement. And former police analyst Davin Hall told EFF that the company wanted to keep its existence secret so that more people would leave their ad IDs enabled. 

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