Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Bull's Eye

We're reading here about the Yellow Vests in France, on a random message board:

"The yellow vests feel like the American Occupy Wall Street movement back in the early 2010's. Started by people with genuine concerns only to be hijacked by anarchists and hippies who didn't entirely know what they want, with no actual leadership or chain of command, but wanted a reason to misguidingly express their personal political ideologies (drum circles and rioting depending on where they fall on the spectrum)."
-random message board contributor

Another contributor's response calls out the fact that one of the critical reasons for the Occupy Wall Street movement failing was due to the lack of public space in which to protest, something that today at almost ten years later is still not being fully appreciated, as seen by the continued emaciation of public space in New York City. (See the Starbuck's Bathroom Debacle of 2018 for further fodder on that)

I would rather draw attention to this -- the Yellow Vests have fallen by the same means as Occupy Wall Street -- hyper advanced NSA-type persistent surveillance plus members over-communicating on under-secure channels (social media etc) equals targeted takedown of leaders, and eventual loss of purpose. Hong Kong protesters, on the other hand, use layered operating systems on their phones for military-level security, to provide one example of adaptation.

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