First things first, that's not a picture of me, although it could be any one of us. It's a painting by Alex Grey.
Next, the Limbic Signal is an extension of my book Hidden Scents: The Language of Smell in the Age of Approximation, which is a work of non-fiction trying to understand the dearth of information on the topic of Smell. In other words, you can't Google smells, so I'm here to spark interest in your hidden sense, and to help you find answers where a text-based search algorithm cannot. The blog Network Address is a personal archive kept online for easy access.
I'm a forty-something male from Suburbia, New Jersey, worked as a high school art teacher for 10 years, and more recently as indoor air quality consultant. In my spare time I try to convince people that I am not a robot. My gmail is at abarkkume.
And time is not real...maybe he meant entropy?