"Our sense of aesthetics is a valuable tool in guiding us to finding theories that are effectively accurate descriptions of nature."(Dr. S. James Gates, at 9 minutes, video linked below)
Dr. S. James Gates and his colleagues are using a term, Adinkras, to refer to visual representations that interpret, and offer manipulability to, the theoretical physical laws of supersymmetry transformations.
^This image is taken from a section, "Adinkra Folding", in the paper linked below, and shows the 'adinkras' (which represent ~a set of mathematical information) being transformed visually. The results of these visual transformations can then be re-interpreted back into mathematical information.

^This image is a complex set of supersymmetry equations.
In itself, this intersection between art and science is a dream-come-true for those living on the precipitous edge of reality that cuts through these two diametrically-opposed worlds. What Gates and his group go on to postulate further, however, is much, much more staggering. Halfway through the video linked below, Gates reports that he has found (error correcting) computer codes within the equations generated by the "adinkra technique". To repeat, for effect: Gates states to have found computer code within the equations of fundamental physics.
Dream or Reality? You be the judge.
excerpts from paper linked below:
We present a symbolic method for organizing the representation theory of one-dimensional superalgebras. This relies on special objects, which we have called adinkra symbols, which supply tangible geometric forms to the still-emerging mathematical basis underlying supersymmetry.
There are important examples in which theoretical physics incorporates elegant motifs to represent mathematical conceptions that are vastly simplified thereby. One such example is the wide-spread use of Feynman diagrams. Another one of these is Salam-Strathdee superspace, a stalwart construction which has proven most helpful in organizing fundamental notions in field theory and in string theory. Despite its successes, however, there are vexing limitations which bedevil attempts to use this latter construction to understand certain yet-mysterious aspects of off-shell supersymmetry. This situation would seemingly benefit from an improved organizational scheme. In this paper, we introduce a graphical paradigm which shows some promise in providing a new symbolic technology for usefully re-conceptualizing problems in supersymmetric representation theory.
The use of symbols to connote ideas which defy simple verbalization is perhaps one of the oldest of human traditions. The Asante people of West Africa have long been accustomed to using simple yet elegant motifs known as Adinkra symbols, to serve just this purpose. With a nod to this tradition, we christen our graphical symbols as “Adinkras.”
Adinkras: A Graphical Technology for Supersymmetric Representation Theory
Michael Faux and S. J. Gates, Jr
July 2004
"Does Reality Have a Genetic Basis?"
S. James Gates Jr. at the Perimeter Institute, posted by The Ontario Educational Communications Authority (TVO)
[There is no date on the video, but it is assumed here to be circa 2009.]
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