Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Fractals in the News

It's fractals all the way down -- if you've been waiting for fractals to have their moment, that time is coming. It took the advent of computers for us to discover fractals in the first place, but then it was used for video game graphics and psychedelic art, and that's it for about 40 years. Now we're using the Large Hadron Collider, the most advanced piece of scientific equipment created, to discover that fractals are not only found in all living things, but in the furthest depths of physics - the Bose Einstein Condensate (BECs are an integral part of quantum computing, metamaterials and intelligent matter, and will be a key technology in the future). 

Study proposes mathematical tool to help understand fractal structure of quark-gluon plasma
Jun 2022, phys.org

When hadrons are accelerated to relativistic velocities and made to collide with each other their confinement is interrupted and the quarks and gluons scatter, forming a plasma that lasts only a tiny fraction of a second, but observation of it has produced important discoveries about the nature of material reality.

Quark-gluon plasma has a fractal structure. When it disintegrates into a stream of particles propagating in various directions, the behavior of the particles in the jets is similar to that of the quarks and gluons in the plasma. Moreover, it decays in a cascade of reactions with a pattern of self-similarity over many scales that is typical of fractals.

"Fractal theory explains BEC formation"

Deppman questions whether fractal structures could also be present in electromagnetism. This would explain why so many natural phenomena, from lightning to snowflakes, have fractal structures, as they are all governed by electromagnetic forces. It might also explain why Tsallis statistics are present in so many phenomena. "Tsallis statistics have been used to describe scale transformation invariance, a key ingredient of fractals," he said.

via Large Hadron Collider by the European Organization for Nuclear Research-research: E. MegĂ­as et al, Nonlinear Klein–Gordon equation and the Bose–Einstein condensation, The European Physical Journal Plus (2022). DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02511-2

Post Script:
Creating an ultrafast optoelectronic switch using a Bose-Einstein condensate of polaritons
Sep 2022, phys.org

Terahertz polariton switch.

via Universities in Shanghai, Xiamen, Shandong, Nanjing, Shanxi and NYU: Fei Chen et al, Optically Controlled Femtosecond Polariton Switch at Room Temperature, Physical Review Letters (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.057402

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