Sunday, June 3, 2018

Technicolor Vision

These are all examples of infrared landscape photography. There is a good series of the Congo by Richard Mosse.
Colorblindness has nothing to do with infrared vision; I just thought these pictures were awesome.

There is no cure for colorblindness. There are special tinted glasses that help, but now there are dyed contact lenses. This article explains it more directly than I can:

"...dyed with a non-toxic rhodamine derivative dye. This particular derivative of rhodamine was chosen as it is known for its ability to absorb certain wavelengths of light in the optical spectrum. Researchers found that the dye blocked the band that lies between the red and green wavelengths, which is perceived by two sets of corresponding optical cones simultaneously. The removal of this band through the dyed lens inhibited the simultaneous triggering of the cones designated for green and red wavelength bands, enabling better differentiation between red and green colours."

New development in contact lenses for red-green color blindness using simple dye
Apr 2018,
Tropical garden infrared landscape photography.

And surreal infrared landscape photography by David Keochkerian.

more nice pictures with no source credited

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